Langlands School

Langlands School

Safeguarding and Child Protection

All children have the right to be protected from harm, abuse and neglect. The vision for all children and young people in Dumfries and Galloway is that they should be: safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected and responsible and included.

Schools and front-line education and child care services will play an important role in ensuring all children and young people are safe and well. Further information can be at the link below

Parents, carers and pupils have a key role in keeping the school community safe. We would therefore urge parents to share any information which would keep everyone safe, and to support and encourage their child(ren) to do the same.

Please find below the up to date Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies, Procedures and Guidelines specific to Langlands, a pupil-friendly version, and the local authority policy.

safeguarding and cp policy langlands oct 2023.pdf


d g pupil cp poster.pdf


safeguarding children guidance september 2023.pdf