Langlands School

Langlands School

School Improvement Plan

Each year the school will publish a School Improvement Plan which outlines the key priorities for the school during the year ahead, following engagement with staff, pupils and parents.

The plan indicates the expected impact of priorities on pupil learning, as well as providing brief information about the key tasks to be taken forward. Both the report and the plan are published below and are also available in hard copy, on request.

A copy can also be found by searching for your school at 

All schools publish an annual Standards and Quality Report and School Improvement Plan. This is usually finalised in the summer term between April and June each year.

The current areas of focus on our School Improvement Plan from June 2023 are:

improve the appropriateness and quality of learning activities for all learners so they are better matched to each young person’s level of needs, build on prior skills and knowledge, and allow recognition of progress and achievements.

improve the appropriateness and quality of learning activities for all learners so they are better matched to each young person’s level of needs, build on prior skills and knowledge, and allow recognition of progress and achievements.

Improve and develop our approaches to tracking, monitoring and evidencing progress, particularly in literacy and numeracy, and raise the attainment and achievement of all learners in both the BGE and Senior Phase



langlands sip poster 2023 24.pdf


langlands sip 2022 2023 final updated jan 2023 1 x929f2kcrwgr.pdf